Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Causes and Effect of Pollution in Our Environment

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the overview of the topic about the causes and effects of air pollution to our environment. The term air pollution is a mixture of natural and manmade substances in the air we breath such as fine particles produced by the burning of fossils fuel ground level ozone, which is a reactive form of oxygen that is a primary component of urban smog and noxious gases such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and chemical vapors. The health effects of air pollution have been reported in research studies over the past 30 years. These effects include respiratory diseases such as asthma, cardiovascular diseases changes in lung development in children. What pollutants affect air quality?†¦show more content†¦Nitrogen oxides from automobile exhaust are controlled by recirculation exhaust gas diluting the air to fuel mixture being burned in the engine. Delusion reduces the temperatures of combustion and decrease the oxygen concentration in the burning mixtures, resulting in the production of fewer nitrogen oxides. Unfortunately the same process increase hydrocarbons emissions. Nevertheless, exhaust the circulation the reduce nitrogen oxide emissions has been common practice in the United States for more than 20 years. C. POLLUTION CONTROL: SULFUR DIOXIDE Sulfur dioxide emissions can be reducing through basic measures performed before, during or after combustion. Technology to clean up coal so it will burn more cleanly is already available. Although the cause of removing sulfur mix fuel more expensive, the expense must be balanced against the long term consequences of burning sulfur- rich coal. Changing from high- sulfur coal low sulfur coal seems solution to reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide. In some regions, this change will work. Unfortunately most low sulfur coal in the United States is located in the Western part of the country, whereas, must coal is burn in the east. Thus, transportation is an issues use of low- sulfur coal is a solutions only in cases where it is economically feasible. III. GENERAL EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION The effects of air pollution on vegetation are numerous. They include damage to leaf tissue, needles and fruitShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Air Pollution On The Environment Essay1198 Words   |  5 PagesEnvironmental pollution will cause direct damage to the ecosystem and impact, such as desertification, forest destruction, water eutrophication, will also give ecological systems and human society caused by indirect harm, and sometimes this indirect environmental effects than the harm caused Of the direct harm is greater, more difficult to eliminate. For example, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and ozone depletion are the environmental effects of air pollution. 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