Monday, December 30, 2019

Essay on Censorship and Freedom of Speech - 658 Words

Censorship may be protection from inappropriate materials, but it also limits free speech. For the limitation of free speech, it is reasonable why people are emphatically against censorship. It is understood that there is a need to filter some of the materials released in today’s society, but too much is being done by people who have no right meddling with everyone’s rights. Civilization has always been plagued by a never ending battle being fought over what is deemed right and wrong. In today’s culture, censorship oppresses everything in the media. From movies and music to television and even news stories, most of the content viewed today has been filtered one way or another. Restrictions have been in place since early societies have been†¦show more content†¦Today, censorship is in place in more ways than you can imagine. As mentioned previously, movies, music, television, and more are filtered one way or another. Some people go to such lengths as ille gal means of spreading materials deemed inappropriate for a certain viewing audience. When the United States was established, the first amendment guaranteed the rights to free speech and free press. However, â€Å"it has never been interpreted to mean that all forms of expression are legal† (Zorea). The common misconception is that people believe that all forms of expression are legal, but that has never been the case, and probably never will be. Intellectual freedom is important because it allows people to express their ideas or beliefs however they feel is appropriate (Intellectual Freedom Manual). With censorship, that freedom is stifled and breaches the right everyone has for that intellectual freedom. Also affecting that freedom is the influence that outside sources can have on your own thoughts and actions. People tend to rely more on television and other electronic media to give them false ideas or impressions. Currently, censorship in music is possibly the most releva nt form of censorship. One of the more disturbing signs of censorship in music is a condition nearly snuck into the USA-PATRIOT Act that would allow the government â€Å"to hack private citizens’ computers to delete what they consider to be illegal MP3 song files† (Blecha 179).Show MoreRelatedCensorship And Freedom Of Speech Essay1947 Words   |  8 PagesCensorship is becoming a great issue lately especially in china.there is type of censorship moral ,political ,book and is by definition anything can be offensive or harmful so it must be banned usually by high authority as governments .it is arguable whether the governments have the right to censor the media or no.people debate it because it is limit the freedom of speech and press if the authorities have the power to control media by controlling the information. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

“Killings” By Andre Dubus, Is A Journey Story About The

â€Å"Killings† by Andre Dubus, is a journey story about the death of a man and the quest to answer questions about the case. The story opens as Frank s funeral is proceeding. The reader can assume that he was killed because of his interaction with Richard’s wife. Even Though they were technically separated, but not divorced, Richard did not take the news of his legal spouse seeing another man. Richard was a hothead and had a very hard time processing things rationally when his mind is clouded. One night, he saw his wife and children eating dinner with Frank and became irrationally upset then killed Frank by shooting him in the chest. Frank’s family was incredibly upset and also made decisions that would not be made had they taken the†¦show more content†¦No person in the world can say that then do not know that killing human beings is legally and morally wrong. Even Though we know for a fact that Frank’s dad knows killing is a despicable crime, he is so clouded in his thinking that he feels, at that moment, that it is justified. Killing anyone is an extreme task that takes a tragic event to spur an irrational thought or action. You then need mass amounts of stress or discourse for an individual, and Frank’s death is exactly the catalyst in this story that makes the murder justified in Matt’s mind. Death can lead to incredibly clouded thinking processes, which is shown in this short story. No normal person, with a pure thought process would even think about killing an individual. Most of the reactions in Killings, were due to clouded thinking process’. The fact that Ruth, knew that her husband had begun to carry a gun not for his own safety, but for the end goal of killing Richard, again shows that her mind was fogged over with the thought of possibly ,â€Å"unknowingly† , avenging her son s death (Dubus 1132). If she had not had the stress and anxiety that tags along with the death of a loved on and time to think her decisions out, it can be assumed that she would not approve of the choices her husband made. There is also a very good likelihood that

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Respecting Elders Free Essays

Respecting my elders, and everyone else, just comes natural to me, because when I was just a little girl, I was taught that I must always respect my elders, if I didn’t, I’d get a slap on my face by my parents. As I grew up, I came to realize the true meaning of the phrase, â€Å"respect your elders,† and I agree fully with my mother’s teachings. I not only respected my elders, but I respected everyone around me. We will write a custom essay sample on Respecting Elders or any similar topic only for you Order Now When I had my children, I taught them the same way my parents taught me, on how to respect their elders, and why. I never had any problems teaching my children how to respect, not only their elders, but how to respect everyone. We need to keep up with the tradition of respect, because so many people are so ignorant with each other, I’d just turn away because I know if I stay and listen, I’ll say something to these little devils for being so mean to anyone and everyone. My son, now has a son that is 11 years old, and if he is caught making fun of anyone, then he has his father to answer[pic] to, and is made to apologize to the person that he has made fun of, whether it be another child or a grownup. Respect is something that has slipped through the cracks of time, and I think it is time to bring it back into our youth. These young people today are so rude to everyone, not just their elders around them, that I’d like to smack them myself, and I don’t even know them from Adam. It just makes me so mad to see how some of the elderly are treated today, and I don’t know what to do about it, but is sure makes me sick. For our young children to respect anyone they have to be taught right from the start, when they are growing up. It’s not something that can be taught after they are grown up, because they have never learned the meaning of the word respect. It so sad, that in today’s society, you see some of the things that are going on with everybody, not only our elderly, but anyone around them. There is no respect in this world today and that’s just so sad. I treat everyone with respect, even though I know they don’t respect me most of the time, but that’s OK, I feel better when I respect others, even if they don’t. Created on: May 02, 2008 Our elders have gone through a lot in their lifetime. I think it is important to respect our elders because they have experienced life and gone through a lot more than we have. I think history has shown that we are a successful, rich country. I don’t think we would have the freedom and the respect from other countries if it weren’t for our elders and their sacrifice to get us where we are today. I respect my grandfather because he was captured and taken to a concentration camp during World War II. My grandfather escaped from a camp, ran into the woods and went into hiding for a year. My grandfather is one of the lucky Jews that survived because he had the will to live. Why shouldn’t he be respected? I respect my parents because they are the ones that brought me in this world and have taken care of me until I was able to take care of myself. I personally have a lot of respect for my parents because they did a lot for me over the years. I wouldn’t have the education without them. They got me where I am today and I am sure it wasn’t easy[pic] for them. I believe they deserve thanks for everything they have done for me and thus deserve my respect. The idea of the importance of respecting our elders raised many questions in my mind. Do most even know what respect is? Wikipedia defines respect as taking into consideration the views and desires of others and incorporating it into your decisions and being truthful to people. Why shouldn’t we respect anyone? I think everyone should be respected unless given a reason not to be. When you meet someone for the first time are you disrespectful? No. Why should you be? I think everyone deserves a chance and once you get to know the person you can decide based on your own values whether or not you should respect them. I have a lot of younger cousins that respect me because I am older and know more about life than they do. I don’t think elders should be singled out and immediately respected because they are older. Why shouldn’t respect go both ways? I think my friends respect me because I respect them. I think it is important to understand what respect is and understand what your elders have gone through to get where we are today. I think everyone deserves the same amount of respect unless given a reason to be disrespected. Quotes: â€Å"In Western Civilization, our elders are books. â€Å"The Elders were closer to the Maker of All Things and should be deferred to whenever they made their will known. † 2 paragraphs The elderly have lived long lives. They are so important in our lives because of this. The longer that one has lived, the more of a life they have to share with others. The elderly have much to contribute to this world. Most already have contributed while others wil l soon be contributing their best as time goes by. Even the elderly are still learning. It has been said that you learn something new every day, and that is just why even the elderly are still learning. They have much wisdom to share with the world, even if they have just learned it themselves. Learning It really does not matter what your age is. Everyone every day is learning. We learn from both the young and from the old. The young are so precious, and they often inspire us even in the simplest ways. They really have not experienced much yet in the way of living, but they sure can bring up things that we have never even thought of before. They can teach us all sorts of behaviors and help us to change our attitudes in our lives. The elderly, however, are so important in our daily lives, because we can learn much from their actual experiences. They have lived long lives, and have experienced many things worth sharing with us that can help us to improve our daily lives. We can even learn things through the elderly that will help us to get along with others much easier, get over things more quickly, respect others, and even enjoy looking at things in a more positive manner. Trials The elderly are so important in our lives, because they have gone through many trials. The longer that anyone has lived, the more trials that they have gone through in their lives. It is hard to accept trials in our lives, but they do exist. The elderly are more than willing to share their past experiences with us. They are actually happy to do this. The elderly have learned where they may have gone wrong in life along with things that they are very proud of the choices that they have made. Spending time with the elderly is one of the best and most exciting things that you can do these days. They can help us with many aspects in our own lives. The elderly can even help us to avoid many trials in our lives through their many words of wisdom. Sharing Elderly people in our lives are so important, because they enjoy sharing with us. Elderly people sincerely enjoy sharing all sorts of things in their lives. As people age, sharing becomes more and more important to them. As you age, you realize that you have gone through numerous experiences of all kinds that are worthy of helping others to get through their experiences. As the elderly share more and more, they enjoy it more and more. It is always a great feeling to know that your simple words can be helping others. The elderly also have many items along with valuable treasures that they enjoy sharing. As they grow older, they no longer have the need for many things in their lives. They love having the opportunity of passing these precious things in their lives onto others and sharing their joy along with their stories. Loving The elderly people in our lives are so important to us, because they are very loving people. Elderly people are very loving, caring, and thankful people. As we age, we all learn to enjoy the better things in life. Better things, as in more important things and things that really matter. Elderly people normally grow more loving and caring as they age. They grow more thankful of even the simplest things. Elderly grow to appreciate life much more than anything. Elderly people are so precious and enjoyable. Many of the elderly are also quite funny. Look at the elderly people in your life, and listen to them. This will surely bring you a new healthy and positive look on life. How to cite Respecting Elders, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Describe how the Cherokee and Seminole Indians free essay sample

With the harsh winter conditions in 1838 the troops succeeded in removing the Cherokee form Georgia, and arced them to march to Oklahoma. The Cherokee and Seminole were Indian nations and the way the settlers say it was that they were standing in the way of their progress with acquiring land. When Jackson s troops invaded Spanish Florida in 1818 the united States gained more partly because of the motivation to punish the Seminole because they were harboring fugitive slaves. Seminole waged war to protect their territory. The Seminole were aided be the fugitive slaves that found protection among them. The First Seminole War lasted from 181 7 to 1818. The presence of the fugitives enraged white lantern and fueled their desire to defeat the Seminole. The Seminole were corned into signing a removal treaty in 1833, but the majority of the tribe refused to leave which resulted in the Second Seminole War lasting from 1835 to 1842. Just like the first Seminole war the fugitive slaves fought beside the Seminole again. We will write a custom essay sample on Describe how the Cherokee and Seminole Indians or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the end most Seminole moved to the new territory to the west of where they already were. And the few that remained were forced to defend themselves in the Third Seminole War which lasted 1 855 to 1 858 when the United States military attempted to drive them UT. The United States ended up paying the remaining Seminole to leave and move to the west. In 1 831 the Cherokee went to the Supreme Court again. They based their appeal on one Of Georgians laws from 1830.This prohibited white man from living on the Indian Territory after March 31, 1831 , without a license form the state of Georgia. The court once more decide in their favor it stated that Cherokee had the right to self-government, and declared Georgians extension of state law over them unconstitutional. The state of Georgia refused to abide by the courts decision. In 1 830, just one year after taking office, Jackson pushed a new piece of legislation called Indian Removal Act; it gave the president power to negotiate removal treaties with Indian tribes. Under these treaties the Indians were to give up their land in exchange for lands to the west and those wishing to remain would become citizens of their home state. The removal was supposed to be voluntary and peaceful, and it was that way for the tribes that agreed to the conditions. But the southeastern nations that resisted were forced by President Jackson to leave. On the other hand the, the Cherokee were tricked with an illegitimate treaty and in 1833 a small fraction agrees to sign a removal agreement.In the end the United States sent seven thousand troops to force the Cherokees to leave their land. This became known as the Trail Of Tears in which four thousand Of the sixteen thousand Cherokees died of cold, hunger, and disease they encountered while making their way to the western lands they were being forced to move to. The Cherokee differ from the Seminole because they used legal means in their attempt to protect their territory where as the Seminole used war and violence.