Monday, December 30, 2019

Essay on Censorship and Freedom of Speech - 658 Words

Censorship may be protection from inappropriate materials, but it also limits free speech. For the limitation of free speech, it is reasonable why people are emphatically against censorship. It is understood that there is a need to filter some of the materials released in today’s society, but too much is being done by people who have no right meddling with everyone’s rights. Civilization has always been plagued by a never ending battle being fought over what is deemed right and wrong. In today’s culture, censorship oppresses everything in the media. From movies and music to television and even news stories, most of the content viewed today has been filtered one way or another. Restrictions have been in place since early societies have been†¦show more content†¦Today, censorship is in place in more ways than you can imagine. As mentioned previously, movies, music, television, and more are filtered one way or another. Some people go to such lengths as ille gal means of spreading materials deemed inappropriate for a certain viewing audience. When the United States was established, the first amendment guaranteed the rights to free speech and free press. However, â€Å"it has never been interpreted to mean that all forms of expression are legal† (Zorea). The common misconception is that people believe that all forms of expression are legal, but that has never been the case, and probably never will be. Intellectual freedom is important because it allows people to express their ideas or beliefs however they feel is appropriate (Intellectual Freedom Manual). With censorship, that freedom is stifled and breaches the right everyone has for that intellectual freedom. Also affecting that freedom is the influence that outside sources can have on your own thoughts and actions. People tend to rely more on television and other electronic media to give them false ideas or impressions. Currently, censorship in music is possibly the most releva nt form of censorship. One of the more disturbing signs of censorship in music is a condition nearly snuck into the USA-PATRIOT Act that would allow the government â€Å"to hack private citizens’ computers to delete what they consider to be illegal MP3 song files† (Blecha 179).Show MoreRelatedCensorship And Freedom Of Speech Essay1947 Words   |  8 PagesCensorship is becoming a great issue lately especially in china.there is type of censorship moral ,political ,book and is by definition anything can be offensive or harmful so it must be banned usually by high authority as governments .it is arguable whether the governments have the right to censor the media or no.people debate it because it is limit the freedom of speech and press if the authorities have the power to control media by controlling the information. However,media shouldRead More Freedom of Speech vs Censorship Essays1231 Words   |  5 Pageshas many rights, the most important is the freedo m of speech which provides an umbrella of protection over our remaining rights; however, all of our rights are under attack beginning with the First Amendment which is under constant assault by censorship. The Constitution of the United States says that â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the peopleRead MoreCensorship Will Always Interfere With Freedom Of Speech1396 Words   |  6 Pages Censorship will always interfere with freedom of speech. In Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, censorship is one of the main topics depicted. Censorship including the banning of books has been an issue though out history. There has been violence similar to the book burnings by the Firemen in the novel. In Bradbury’s novel, Guy Montag is a Fireman who cannot understand why books have to be burned. He questions what is in the books that can’t be shared with people. Guy questions his boss, CaptainRead MoreFreedom of Speech vs. Censorship on the Internet2126 Words   |  9 PagesFreedom of Speech Vs. Censorship: Children on the Internet The internet is a very controversial communication device in today’s society. If desired, one could find information on nearly any topic they choose. Censorship and free speech is a widely discussed topic when dealing with the current freedom of the internet especially when dealing with young minds. Should the internet have censored topics which would be illegal to post and/or view freely by children? Should the internet be a free-for-allRead More Internet Censorship Means No Freedom of Speech Essay2128 Words   |  9 Pagesthese facts, restrictions such as censorship should not be placed upon the Internet. Instead of censorship and regulation by the government, we as users of the Internet should be able to practice self-regulation. Censorship of the Internet violates the First Amendment of the Constitution, and thus robs us of our right to freedom of speech. Since cyberspace is a fairly new concept, any restrictions placed on the Internet by the CDA will determine the degree of freedom we will enjoy on the Internet inRead More Prevent Internet Censorship, Save Freedom of Speech Essay1293 Words   |  6 Pages Public scrutiny of many popularly viewed sites has resulted in the call for restrictions in order to prevent the harmful aspects of the internet. This controversial topic has created a rift in website surfers from around the world. Internet censorship is the control of access to information presented on the internet. Advocates of internet restrictions argue that popular sites are the source of obsessions which result in crumbling relationships, put minors in danger of cyber bullying and internetRead MoreStudies in Contemporary Literature: Free Speech1622 Words   |  7 Pages Censorship is the suppression of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined as determined by the government, media outlet, or other controlling bodies (Wikipedia, 1). This can be done by governments and private organizations or by individuals who engage in self-censorship which is the act of censoring or cla ssifying one’s own work like blog, books, films, or other means of expression, out of theRead MoreCensorship : Censorship And Censorship Essay1513 Words   |  7 PagesIn the modern sense, political correctness has become a form of censorship. With protestors forcing students to find alternate routes to school or pushing the administration to cancel guest speakers in fear of triggering students, the modern-day university is no longer a place of free, critical, thinking, but a place of censorship. Political correctness (is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended primarily not to offend or disadvantage any group of people in society. InRead MoreCensorship Is Bad For The Modern World876 Words   |  4 Pages WHY CENSORSHIP IS BAD Censorship refers to the regulation of freedom of expression or any other information that may be sensitive or morally inaccurate to the people. This information can be considered immoral or politically inconvenient by religious groups, the government, ethnic communities and media outlets. Censorship originates back in ancient times in many different countries such as Rome and China. Censorship was mainly used for political, social and religiousRead More Cyberspace Hate Propaganda and Internet Censorship Essay1244 Words   |  5 PagesHate Propaganda and Internet Censorship The Internet is an ideal medium for hate groups, such as neo-Nazis, because of the mass exposure, inexpensiveness, uncensored nature and ease of publishing offered. The Internet allows hate groups to target a broad audience: impressionable children are the most vulnerable. Attempts at censorship fail because of the international nature of the Internet, and to a lesser extent, free speech contentions. Instead, the freedom of speech exercised by cyberhate groups

Sunday, December 22, 2019

“Killings” By Andre Dubus, Is A Journey Story About The

â€Å"Killings† by Andre Dubus, is a journey story about the death of a man and the quest to answer questions about the case. The story opens as Frank s funeral is proceeding. The reader can assume that he was killed because of his interaction with Richard’s wife. Even Though they were technically separated, but not divorced, Richard did not take the news of his legal spouse seeing another man. Richard was a hothead and had a very hard time processing things rationally when his mind is clouded. One night, he saw his wife and children eating dinner with Frank and became irrationally upset then killed Frank by shooting him in the chest. Frank’s family was incredibly upset and also made decisions that would not be made had they taken the†¦show more content†¦No person in the world can say that then do not know that killing human beings is legally and morally wrong. Even Though we know for a fact that Frank’s dad knows killing is a despicable crime, he is so clouded in his thinking that he feels, at that moment, that it is justified. Killing anyone is an extreme task that takes a tragic event to spur an irrational thought or action. You then need mass amounts of stress or discourse for an individual, and Frank’s death is exactly the catalyst in this story that makes the murder justified in Matt’s mind. Death can lead to incredibly clouded thinking processes, which is shown in this short story. No normal person, with a pure thought process would even think about killing an individual. Most of the reactions in Killings, were due to clouded thinking process’. The fact that Ruth, knew that her husband had begun to carry a gun not for his own safety, but for the end goal of killing Richard, again shows that her mind was fogged over with the thought of possibly ,â€Å"unknowingly† , avenging her son s death (Dubus 1132). If she had not had the stress and anxiety that tags along with the death of a loved on and time to think her decisions out, it can be assumed that she would not approve of the choices her husband made. There is also a very good likelihood that

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Respecting Elders Free Essays

Respecting my elders, and everyone else, just comes natural to me, because when I was just a little girl, I was taught that I must always respect my elders, if I didn’t, I’d get a slap on my face by my parents. As I grew up, I came to realize the true meaning of the phrase, â€Å"respect your elders,† and I agree fully with my mother’s teachings. I not only respected my elders, but I respected everyone around me. We will write a custom essay sample on Respecting Elders or any similar topic only for you Order Now When I had my children, I taught them the same way my parents taught me, on how to respect their elders, and why. I never had any problems teaching my children how to respect, not only their elders, but how to respect everyone. We need to keep up with the tradition of respect, because so many people are so ignorant with each other, I’d just turn away because I know if I stay and listen, I’ll say something to these little devils for being so mean to anyone and everyone. My son, now has a son that is 11 years old, and if he is caught making fun of anyone, then he has his father to answer[pic] to, and is made to apologize to the person that he has made fun of, whether it be another child or a grownup. Respect is something that has slipped through the cracks of time, and I think it is time to bring it back into our youth. These young people today are so rude to everyone, not just their elders around them, that I’d like to smack them myself, and I don’t even know them from Adam. It just makes me so mad to see how some of the elderly are treated today, and I don’t know what to do about it, but is sure makes me sick. For our young children to respect anyone they have to be taught right from the start, when they are growing up. It’s not something that can be taught after they are grown up, because they have never learned the meaning of the word respect. It so sad, that in today’s society, you see some of the things that are going on with everybody, not only our elderly, but anyone around them. There is no respect in this world today and that’s just so sad. I treat everyone with respect, even though I know they don’t respect me most of the time, but that’s OK, I feel better when I respect others, even if they don’t. Created on: May 02, 2008 Our elders have gone through a lot in their lifetime. I think it is important to respect our elders because they have experienced life and gone through a lot more than we have. I think history has shown that we are a successful, rich country. I don’t think we would have the freedom and the respect from other countries if it weren’t for our elders and their sacrifice to get us where we are today. I respect my grandfather because he was captured and taken to a concentration camp during World War II. My grandfather escaped from a camp, ran into the woods and went into hiding for a year. My grandfather is one of the lucky Jews that survived because he had the will to live. Why shouldn’t he be respected? I respect my parents because they are the ones that brought me in this world and have taken care of me until I was able to take care of myself. I personally have a lot of respect for my parents because they did a lot for me over the years. I wouldn’t have the education without them. They got me where I am today and I am sure it wasn’t easy[pic] for them. I believe they deserve thanks for everything they have done for me and thus deserve my respect. The idea of the importance of respecting our elders raised many questions in my mind. Do most even know what respect is? Wikipedia defines respect as taking into consideration the views and desires of others and incorporating it into your decisions and being truthful to people. Why shouldn’t we respect anyone? I think everyone should be respected unless given a reason not to be. When you meet someone for the first time are you disrespectful? No. Why should you be? I think everyone deserves a chance and once you get to know the person you can decide based on your own values whether or not you should respect them. I have a lot of younger cousins that respect me because I am older and know more about life than they do. I don’t think elders should be singled out and immediately respected because they are older. Why shouldn’t respect go both ways? I think my friends respect me because I respect them. I think it is important to understand what respect is and understand what your elders have gone through to get where we are today. I think everyone deserves the same amount of respect unless given a reason to be disrespected. Quotes: â€Å"In Western Civilization, our elders are books. â€Å"The Elders were closer to the Maker of All Things and should be deferred to whenever they made their will known. † 2 paragraphs The elderly have lived long lives. They are so important in our lives because of this. The longer that one has lived, the more of a life they have to share with others. The elderly have much to contribute to this world. Most already have contributed while others wil l soon be contributing their best as time goes by. Even the elderly are still learning. It has been said that you learn something new every day, and that is just why even the elderly are still learning. They have much wisdom to share with the world, even if they have just learned it themselves. Learning It really does not matter what your age is. Everyone every day is learning. We learn from both the young and from the old. The young are so precious, and they often inspire us even in the simplest ways. They really have not experienced much yet in the way of living, but they sure can bring up things that we have never even thought of before. They can teach us all sorts of behaviors and help us to change our attitudes in our lives. The elderly, however, are so important in our daily lives, because we can learn much from their actual experiences. They have lived long lives, and have experienced many things worth sharing with us that can help us to improve our daily lives. We can even learn things through the elderly that will help us to get along with others much easier, get over things more quickly, respect others, and even enjoy looking at things in a more positive manner. Trials The elderly are so important in our lives, because they have gone through many trials. The longer that anyone has lived, the more trials that they have gone through in their lives. It is hard to accept trials in our lives, but they do exist. The elderly are more than willing to share their past experiences with us. They are actually happy to do this. The elderly have learned where they may have gone wrong in life along with things that they are very proud of the choices that they have made. Spending time with the elderly is one of the best and most exciting things that you can do these days. They can help us with many aspects in our own lives. The elderly can even help us to avoid many trials in our lives through their many words of wisdom. Sharing Elderly people in our lives are so important, because they enjoy sharing with us. Elderly people sincerely enjoy sharing all sorts of things in their lives. As people age, sharing becomes more and more important to them. As you age, you realize that you have gone through numerous experiences of all kinds that are worthy of helping others to get through their experiences. As the elderly share more and more, they enjoy it more and more. It is always a great feeling to know that your simple words can be helping others. The elderly also have many items along with valuable treasures that they enjoy sharing. As they grow older, they no longer have the need for many things in their lives. They love having the opportunity of passing these precious things in their lives onto others and sharing their joy along with their stories. Loving The elderly people in our lives are so important to us, because they are very loving people. Elderly people are very loving, caring, and thankful people. As we age, we all learn to enjoy the better things in life. Better things, as in more important things and things that really matter. Elderly people normally grow more loving and caring as they age. They grow more thankful of even the simplest things. Elderly grow to appreciate life much more than anything. Elderly people are so precious and enjoyable. Many of the elderly are also quite funny. Look at the elderly people in your life, and listen to them. This will surely bring you a new healthy and positive look on life. How to cite Respecting Elders, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Describe how the Cherokee and Seminole Indians free essay sample

With the harsh winter conditions in 1838 the troops succeeded in removing the Cherokee form Georgia, and arced them to march to Oklahoma. The Cherokee and Seminole were Indian nations and the way the settlers say it was that they were standing in the way of their progress with acquiring land. When Jackson s troops invaded Spanish Florida in 1818 the united States gained more partly because of the motivation to punish the Seminole because they were harboring fugitive slaves. Seminole waged war to protect their territory. The Seminole were aided be the fugitive slaves that found protection among them. The First Seminole War lasted from 181 7 to 1818. The presence of the fugitives enraged white lantern and fueled their desire to defeat the Seminole. The Seminole were corned into signing a removal treaty in 1833, but the majority of the tribe refused to leave which resulted in the Second Seminole War lasting from 1835 to 1842. Just like the first Seminole war the fugitive slaves fought beside the Seminole again. We will write a custom essay sample on Describe how the Cherokee and Seminole Indians or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the end most Seminole moved to the new territory to the west of where they already were. And the few that remained were forced to defend themselves in the Third Seminole War which lasted 1 855 to 1 858 when the United States military attempted to drive them UT. The United States ended up paying the remaining Seminole to leave and move to the west. In 1 831 the Cherokee went to the Supreme Court again. They based their appeal on one Of Georgians laws from 1830.This prohibited white man from living on the Indian Territory after March 31, 1831 , without a license form the state of Georgia. The court once more decide in their favor it stated that Cherokee had the right to self-government, and declared Georgians extension of state law over them unconstitutional. The state of Georgia refused to abide by the courts decision. In 1 830, just one year after taking office, Jackson pushed a new piece of legislation called Indian Removal Act; it gave the president power to negotiate removal treaties with Indian tribes. Under these treaties the Indians were to give up their land in exchange for lands to the west and those wishing to remain would become citizens of their home state. The removal was supposed to be voluntary and peaceful, and it was that way for the tribes that agreed to the conditions. But the southeastern nations that resisted were forced by President Jackson to leave. On the other hand the, the Cherokee were tricked with an illegitimate treaty and in 1833 a small fraction agrees to sign a removal agreement.In the end the United States sent seven thousand troops to force the Cherokees to leave their land. This became known as the Trail Of Tears in which four thousand Of the sixteen thousand Cherokees died of cold, hunger, and disease they encountered while making their way to the western lands they were being forced to move to. The Cherokee differ from the Seminole because they used legal means in their attempt to protect their territory where as the Seminole used war and violence.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

What Is Art Essays - Aesthetics, Art, Emotion, Feeling,

What Is Art? What is Art? What a question! This very same topic has been on the minds of many great people for many years. Just what exactly is art? Art is a form of expression. It is beautiful, ugly, tasteful, distasteful, impressionistic, get the point. Art is everywhere. It lives in the soul, mind, and even the heart. Art is an outlet for people to express themselves. Art is a way for the human mind to express itself. Even a loud, outgoing person has feelings that they do not feel comfortable sharing with people. These expressions often come out through their art. What is classified as art? Besides the obviouspaintings, drawings, architecture, etcArt can be dancing, singing, acting, etc. It can be pretty much anything that expresses an idea. Even something as common as speech is art. Everyone speaks with a different voice, and each voice is a piece of art. Art surrounds us. It is encountered so often that often we dont realize art when we see it. All too often we ignore art. We overlook the ideas and thoughts behind it. Anyone can look at a painting and say Wow! Thats beautiful! How many of us can actually stop and say Wow! Now I understand! Art is around to teach us. We can learn so much about ourselves and the world around us. Many times we create art without a conscious reason. We believe that we are just making a pretty picture. Usually we are expressing a subconscious idea. If take the time to actually analyze and critique our artwork we could possibly find out something about ourselves. Often, we use art to express some repressed feelings. Everyone has some feeling or thought that they wish to express but they are afraid. Art is seen as a window of opportunity for these people. They can express what has been on their mind without the worry of embarrassment. Even if a person does confront them about the meaning of the art, they can create a fictional story if they are still afraid. Even people who have feelings that are not repressed use art to express themselves. These people may be using it to sort their thoughts. Some people learn better visually than audibly. For these people, creating art will help their ideas become clearer because they can visually see something. Art is a very important part of modern and historical society. Without art we would not know as much about our history as we do. The surviving architecture, paintings, sculptures, etc. teach us about our past. It is from our past that we decide to change our future. Besides being of historical importance, art also has a modern impact on society. In todays society people are very worried about reputation. Art allows a person to express a less accepted idea without being punished socially. Art relieves a lot of tension in the world. It is a way for people to express their anger and other emotions. It is an outlet for emotions. It is based around an idea. All art has an idea behind it, but not all ideas are put into art. Arts Essays

Monday, November 25, 2019

13 Electric Vehicle Conversion Companies

13 Electric Vehicle Conversion Companies Fuel is expensive, but one way to eliminate stops at the pricey pump is to go electric. An electric vehicle (EV) conversion is a procedure that involves modifying a petroleum fuel-powered vehicle into an all-electric vehicle. If your commuting needs and lifestyle are such that you can go electric with one or more of your vehicles, here’s a list of companies to get you started. Depending upon where you’re located, there may or may not be one of these companies within a reasonable distance. If youre not within driving distance, choose a company on this list that will sell you the parts for a DIY conversion, or hire a reliable mechanic to do the hard work for you.   Companies That Offer DIY Conversion Kits Canadian Electric Vehicles Ltd.  CEV was established in 1991 to convert internal combustion engine vehicles to electric power- including heavy-duty diesel truck conversions for the airline industry. In addition to selling conversion kits for many vehicles, they offer components for modifications and offer custom-build options. Their customers include governments, industrial companies, and private individuals. Conversion Companies Clean Ride Electric Vehicles  Located in Minnesota, this company restores and electrifies classic VW beetles from top to bottom. They replace the internal combustion engine and fuel system with an electric motor and 6 12-volt lead acid batteries and upgrade standard components. These all-electric VWs offer a 20- to 30-mile range with a top speed of 50  Located in West Palm Beach, Florida, and Los Angeles, CA, this company can convert any vehicle to all-electric power but specializes in Porsche sports car conversions due to their dependability, lightweight design, and engineering. They offer a wide variety of battery, range and model configurations to meet driving styles and needs. Speeds for their EVs: 0-60 in about 5 seconds or even faster with 2 motors and series to parallel switching.Eco-conversions  This company specializes in converting regular gas burning cars into clean electric machines- they have zeroed in on luxury vehicles with their benchmark, the BMW 8-Series, aiming to â€Å"shatter the image of the traditional electric car.† They recently partnered with eVionyx, an American company that has developed superior charging nickel-zinc batteries. Electric Vehicle Systems – Based in New Underwood, SD, this company offers complete repair services for all-electric vehicles, using the latest technology. According to their website, most repairs of a two-wheel electric scooters run $45. Call them to learn more.Electro Automotive – Located in Felton, CA, Electro Automotive was founded in 1979 as a single source for quality conversion components. According to their website, Electro Automotive â€Å"believes in electric vehicles built to live in the real world.† They are all about EVs that are simple in design, easy-to-use, reliable, affordable and practical.Electric Vehicles of America (EVA) - EVA provides free detailed calculations for specific all-electric applications, from industrial, on-road electric car or truck, off-road EV or boat. They also offer free technical papers on safety, batteries and conversion details, in addition to system design, supplier data and drawings, installation manuals and videos. Lo cated in New Hampshire.EV-Blue/Electric Blue – Based in Kansas, this company will convert any gasoline burner to electric- you supply the vehicle, they do the conversion. Their basic option includes a 144V battery and charger for $11,000. AC, heat and power steering are extra. Call or email for additional details. EV Source LLC - Located in Logan, UT, this company provides high-quality electric vehicle components to the high performance, high voltage EV conversion market. From speed controllers, fuses and breakers to assembling your own conversion kit, they know how to help you go all-electric.Green Motors Inc.  - Based in northern Arizona, Green Motors converts standard vehicles to electric power, in addition to servicing, maintaining and refurbishing all types of electric vehicles. They offer service support for the DIYer, plus sales of parts. Visit their products page for a current list of available vehicles.Metric Mind Corporation  - Based in Oregon, Metric Mind Engineering (MME) is an international company that supplies high end AC drive systems and other EV components. According to their website, MME is a single source of all the main electronic hardware necessary to complete an EV conversion.†REVOLT Custom Electric Vehicles LLC  - This company provides design, building and m aintenance services for electrical vehicle conversions in the Austin, TX area. Wilderness Electric Vehicles  - Located in Utah, this company specializes in electric car conversions. You supply the vehicle- they provide the conversion in 3 to 4 months. They also offer a variety of kits to convert to electric. Call or email for additional details.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Lung cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Lung cancer - Research Paper Example In the United States, about 203,536 people are found to suffer from the disease regardless of sex with death of over 157, 000 victims in 2010 ( Other countries have showed the same trend. In Europe, many countries showed high rate of deaths with Hungary in the top list having deaths that reached over a hundred victims a day. In Canada, lung cancer accounts for 30% death with cases of women on the rise. Far East Asia is not spared from the disease. Philippines alone have 43 daily cases of deaths. Taiwan and Japan share the same sentiment regarding the disease. China also has continual increase in numbers who die from the disease (Pastorino, 102). This scenario provides a picture that lung cancer is prevalent worldwide regardless of sex. Limiting the incidences of the lung cancer involves understanding the pathophysiology, causes, signs and symptoms, and diagnosis to be able to treat the disease at an earlier stage and to prevent high prevalence of its occurren ces. Pathophysiology The normal lung cell consist of two layers namely the columnar cells and basal cells. The columnar that contains mucus and covered with cilia makes up the surface layer. Basal cell which is the second layer contains the nuclei and basement membrane which in turn composes the glands, blood, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. The initial response to a carcinogenic agent occurs in the tracheobronchial epithelium within the basal cells. Number of cells increase as it is triggered with the inhalation of any carcinogenic agents and referred to as carcinomas. This happens because oncogenes which make the body susceptible to cancer are activated. When a carcinogen enters the body, it binds with the DNA of the lung cells causing changes and differentiation of the cell. The structures of the cells are damaged which may cause abnormal growth. As the cell division continues to occur, the damaged DNA is also passed to the daughter cells and undergoes further mutations. Cel l growth becomes unstable and genetic changes accumulate. The pulmoepithelium in turn undergoes malignant transformation from normal epithelium to invasive carcinoma (Day, et al, p 558). Among the lung cancer type, adenocarcinoma is the most prevalent. However, when cancer cells metastasize, the tracheal and broncheal lymph nodes are the earliest to show signs of the spread to distant lymph nodes, organs, kidneys and brain. On the other hand, broncheoalveolar type is usually slow in nature than other types. Pleural effusion results as an effect of direct involvement of the pleura, obstruction of mediastinal lymphatics, throracic duct, pulmonary lymphatics, and atelectasis with pneumonitis and pulmonary embolus. Causes Lung cancer is believed to have many causes. It could be provoked with many carcinogens like tobacco smoke, radiations and viral infections. Although the disease is known to be a familial tendency, the risk depends with the exposure to carcinogenic risk factors. Almost all types of lung cancer are caused by tobacco smoke. About 90% of patients seeking medical help are found to be directly exposed to it. The most affected cells are the small squamous types. Tobacco contains multiple components however, not all of these may cause lung cancer. It is known that there are only a few that may really trigger the cells to undergo changes. Mazzone (p1) in his study identified N-nitrosamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to be the two most carcinogens that are

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Introduction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

Introduction - Essay Example The esterification equilibrium is displaced towards ester formation by use of an acid or large excess of alcohol. Additionally, the esterification reaction can be displaced by removal of water using a dehydrating agent e.g. sulphuric acid or distilling off the water. Esters can as well be prepared from alcohols with acid anhydrides and acyl halides. The reverse reaction of esterification is called hydrolysis. Esterification cannot be catalyzed by a base but hydrolysis can be catalyzed by OH- ions (Daintith 85). Spectroscopic techniques typically involve the interaction of some form of electromagnetic energy with molecules to generate a spectrum that maybe easily translated to disclose the incidence of distinctive groups and structural features. They are regularly used to authoritatively characterize the chemical, physical and specific structural attributes of an organic molecule. They are mainly efficient when analyzing a unadulterated compounds. They include: Infra-Red (IR) spectroscopy- a technique for observing distinctive bending and stretching frequencies of bonds. The spectra of regular organic functional groups have characteristic Infra-Red light absorption ranges that maybe used to identify functional groups in an unidentified organic compound. Additionally, the fingerprint region of an IR spectrum usually provides a distinctive pattern for an organic molecule. This pattern can be used for identifying an organic compound by comparing it with a known sample (Fox and James 209). Nucl ear Magnetic Resonance-a technique that identifies the nuclear spin flipping provoked in the radio frequency array of a molecule placed in a high magnetic field. Because 1H as well as 13C are magnetically vigorous nuclei. NMR spectroscopy may offer crucial structural information about organic molecules. Information acquired from H-NMR and C-NMR is corresponding. In H-NMR: the chemical shifts,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Managing a health and social cae orgainsation Essay

Managing a health and social cae orgainsation - Essay Example In this context, identifying appropriate management practices for the particular sector can be a challenging task. This paper presents a series of management theories that could be effectively used in the health and care industry. Reference is also made to the ethical and legal issues that tend to appear in the particular sector, at the level that these issues set limits to the freedom of the industry’s employees to take initiatives. It is proved that, like in all sectors, in the health and social care industry the use of appropriate management practices is quite necessary so that the industry’s organizations are able to face market challenges. In any case, before applying any management theory in one of the industry’s organizations it is necessary to take into consideration the ethical implications of the particular initiative. 2. Management and health and social care organizations 2.1 Models and theories of management relevant to a health and social care enviro nment Different views seem to exist in the literature in regard to the involvement of management theories in the health and social care industry. In general, the necessity of these theories for the industry’s organizations is not doubted. Still, oppositions have been developed as to which of existing management theories are most appropriate for the health and social care sector. ... asis is given on hierarchy, as it results to ‘different levels of responsibilities and rights among the members of the organization’ (Harris 2005, p.63). The bureaucratic theory is based on a series of rules, that need to be followed in all organizations that adopt the particular style of management: a) the hiring of an individual to a specific position is depended on his skills; the power of each employee as ‘a member of the organization is related to his position in the organizational hierarchy’ (Harris 2005, p.63); b) following the procedures is of critical importance; no employee has the right to take initiatives, unless they are within the context of the power given to the employee as member of the organization; (Harris 2005, p.63) the activities of individuals, as members of the organization, ‘are predictable’ (Harris 2005, p.63), meaning that there is a routine in regard to the tasks assigned to each individual; this routine cannot be cha nged unless it is ordered by the employer (Harris 2005, p.63). Another management theory that it is widely used in organizations operating in the healthcare sector is the institutional theory. The particular theory is based on the idea that organizations operate in environments that are characterized by ‘a series of myths, such as rules of professional conduct or ethical standards, to which organizations have to conform’ (Shortell and Kaluzny 1997, p.21). At this point, a key difference seems to exist between the common organizational environments, also characterized as ‘technical environments, and the institutional environments’ (Shortell and Kaluzny 1997, p.21). The former tend to press the organizations for continuously increasing their profits (Shortell and Kaluzny 1997, p.21). The latter require that the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Moths as Ecological Indicators

Moths as Ecological Indicators Results Articles from peer-reviewed journals, revolving around the topic of moths as ecological indicators, were collected and reviewed. The articles dealt with various studies conducted in different parts of the world and reveal the relationship between various anthropogenic impacts on ecosystem and change in moth diversity. To begin with, the studies carried out in the Australian rain forest, the moth assemblages were considered to be an effective indicator of the ecosystem. Light trap method was used to study the differences in diversity and richness of moths between the disturbed and undisturbed sites. As a result, a clear decrease was accounted in the number of moths of few of the studied species from less disturbed to more disturbed locations whereas few other species showed the exact opposite response. The reason behind this variation in the response could be the presence of the flora on which that particular species depends for its food. The literature shows that the moths present on the undisturbed site were mainly dependent on those large trees and the moths on the disturbed sites depend on herbaceous plants. Another study was carried out in the Eastern deciduous forests of North America where several moth families were studied as indicators of habitat disturbance. The selection of moth species was done on the basis of ease of sampling and the ease of identification. A comparative study was done in terms of accessing the moth communities of the prevailing forest edge and that of the interior habitat. Forest edges, recovering clear-cut stands, and small forest remnants were considered disturbed habitat types (Brown and Hutchings,1997; Usher and Keiller, 1998; Hamer and Hill, 2000;Summerville and Crist, 2003). There was a considerable decrease in the species richness in the interiors as compared to that of the edge. This shows that the selected species of moths can be considered as indicators of habitat disturbance. The phenomenon of global warming has devastation implications. The next study deals with the effects of climate change on moths in the forest ecosystem. The change in climate leads to an increase in temperature which in turn leads to termination of diapauses. It is a condition during which the development is on a standstill. This is considered to be a good example of indicator of climate change. Another article deals with the study carried out in Carinthian Alps in the years 2002 and 2004 which dealt with the study of population trends of moths as a result of restoration and the conservation and control sites were defined and monitored. It revealed that there was a decrease in the number of moths from 2002 to 2004 but the decline was more in conservation sites that control ones. This decline was attributed to the transformation of dense forest like habitats into open landscapes with the final outcome of semi natural grasslands with are rich in species. Therefore, the transformation from forest to open habitat is considered to be negative for moths. Moths proved to be an effective indicator to define the health of a forest ecosystem. The final article is based on the similar concepts and addresses the impacts of climate change on moth populations. Discussion and conclusions The study involved a literature review of several articles from peer-reviewed journals and was focused on the consideration of moths as ecological indicators. The main factors identified were: the effects of restoration, habitat changes, climate change and other anthropogenic activities on the moth population and the way in which they respond to it. Overall, the review revealed that the influence of the above mentioned factors on moth population has been well studied. However, there were many constrains in the studies. The studies were mainly limited to the local scale and local geographical and environmental conditions which can be considered as a limiting factor. The selected species of moths might be considered as an accurate indicator of ecosystem quality the articles reflected the same. The selection of such an indicator species to monitor the health of an ecosystem can be considered as a powerful tool for the analysis. It can be noted from the articles that climate shifts are the drivers of extinctions and the habitat contractions of moth species. It can also be inferred that the role of the host plant plays a major role, in the response of moths, towards ecological changes. As we saw in one of the articles, few species of moths showed higher richness in the disturbed sites because of the presence of the preferred plant. We can even compare the inferences of this article with the results we obtained at Agumbe Rainforest Research Station, where we studied the moth diversity over three different sites. By taking into consideration the results of the Shannon-Wiener index, the highest diversity was obtained in the forest site which was the least damaged as compared to the other two sites where the damage was comparatively higher. However, we cannot completely rely on the results because the study was too short. An inference can still be made out of it because the disturbance had negative impacts on moth diversity. Therefore, the decline in the moth population has been a matter of concern and these declines point towards the catastrophic loss of biodiversity because of anthropogenic environmental and habitat changes. On a concluding note, I would like to say that a future research based on the impacts of anthropogenic activities and climate change and its relation with moth population is necessary. An understanding has to be developed regarding the decrease in moth population and related conservative steps has to be taken. References S. Netherer, A. Schopf. 2010. Potential effects of climate change on insect herbivores in European forests—General aspects and the pine processionary moth as specià ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ c exampleJournal ofForest Ecology and Management259:831–838. P. Dieker et al. 2011. Two high-mountain burnet moth species (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae) react differently to the global change drivers climate and land-useJournal of Biological Conservation. 144:2810–2818. R.L. Kitching et al. 2000. Moth assemblages as indicators of environmental quality in remnants of upland Australian rain forest.Journal of Applied Ecology37:284-297 F. Richard. 2013. The decline of moths in Great Britain: a review of possible causesJournal ofInsect Conservation and Diversity6:5–19. L. Rà ¡kosy, T. Schmitt. 2011. Are butterflies and moths suitable ecological indicator systems for restoration measures of semi-natural calcareous grassland habitats?Journal of Ecological Indicators11:1040–1045. K.S. Summerville et al. 2004. Forest moth taxa as indicators of lepidopteran richness and habitat disturbance: a preliminary assessmentJournal of Biological Conservation116:9–18. .

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Growing With Style :: Writing Style Styles Essays

Growing With Style Defining writing style is somewhat like describing Big Foot. People study it, and talk about it, they try to enlighten others about it. But when it’s all said and done, you just rely on; â€Å"I’ll know it when I see it.† Style is not unique onto ourselves, but I think that we all, either as audience or as writer, have our own interpretation of style. For example, the University of Miami’s Philosophy and Literature Departments hold a Bad Writing Contest that gives mock prizes to the â€Å"worst published academic writing† that someone can find ( It is all in good fun and it is based solely on the opinions of the judges of the contest. The texts, Style: Toward Clarity and Grace by Williams and Elements of Style by Strunk and White teach about the importance of â€Å"good style.† Both books are quite different in their approach and the style in which it is presented. Strunk and White is short and sweet. Williams is lengthy and often times a tedious read. Both books are biased to their opinions; Williams is more instructional while Strunk and White almost sounds like a reprimand. However, both books offer up a wealth of knowledge and support. Both Williams and Strunk and White discuss the idea of clarity. Clarity is an important element of style because without it, you will have a lost or disinterested audience. Strunk and White state, â€Å"Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts†(23). Keeping this in mind will help a writer to stay on track. Instead of digressing on an unrelated topic, the writer can focus on a point and stick to it. Williams has two principles that help with managing and expressing a flow of ideas in a concise manner: 1. Usually, compress what you mean into the fewest words. 2. Don’t state what your reader can easily infer (115). A writer can achieve meaning compression by eliminating such things as redundant pairs (full and complete, true and accurate) and redundant modifiers (completely finish, past memories) (116). Some of these examples are so common in our speech that we can fail to see them as a problem in our prose.